Pressureless Cover - All
Stainless Steel, Cross Arm manway. Standard material is 316L
and in stock in various sizes. Standard gasket material is
Silicone but also available is EPDM, Perbunan and Viton.
Maximum interior vacuum to 0.5 bar
#AR110 - Oval
Pressureless Cover - All
Stainless Steel construction. Easy to use, standard on the
shelf product and economical. Standard size is 190 x 240 mm. |
#AR220 - Pressure Dome
Cover - All
Stainless Steel construction (standard in 316L and available in
304SS) and available with full ASME certification and stamped.
Units are provided with standard surface polish or to your exact
specification. Maximum allowable internal vacuum: -1 bar
Minimum temperature rating: -25 deg C Standard gasket material is
Silicone but EPDM, Viton, FEP silicone teflon envelope silicone
insert and FEP Viton teflon envelope Viton insert are available. |
#AR221 - Pressure
Cover With Glass Top - Quick
opening unit which allows you to view contents or quickly add some
ingredients to your process. Available with ASME certification
and standard pressure rating to 50 psig. Ratings to 150 psig are
available. Silicone gasket is standard but other materials are
available. Standard sizes range from 6” to 12” |
- Oval Pressure Cover -
All Stainless Steel, swing in and swing out oval manway. Can
be mounted on the top of the tank or the side of the tank. Ideal
for Low Pressure requirements found in the Beverage Industry. |
#AR300 - 1 bar Dome
Cover -
Economical unit for low pressure applications, 14.5 psig.
All Stainless Steel construction, standard material is 304SS or
316L.Standard gasket material is Silicone but EPDM, Viton, FEP
silicone Teflon envelope silicone insert and FEP Viton teflon
envelope Viton insert are available. |
#AR-235 - Pressure Cone
Cover - Cone
designed covers which are vacuum and pressure rated.
Assortment of gasket materials are available |
P23-308 - Rectangular Manway -
#P23-113 is rated for 0.6 Bars and is 410 x 534mm. #P23-308 is
Rated for 0.3 Bars and is 314 x 424mm. |